To learn about the 2020 Census, a great place to start is the
United States Census 2020 website.
United States Census Bureau website also has a lot of useful information, including detailed FAQs on specific aspects of census activity.
2020 Census Partner Materials web page has resources for increasing awareness, trust, and participation in the 2020 Census.
Community Outreach Toolkit includes an overview of proven messaging strategies and profiles for each of the most common barriers to participation, with relevant messages, influential messengers, and appropriate timing and methods.
National Conference of State Legislatures also has 2020 Census resources, including information on why the census is important, hard-to-count populations, complete count committees, legislative efforts, specific examples of outreach strategies, and further details on how census information is used.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has collected some interesting Wisconsin-specific numbers regarding the census's impact and projections for the state.

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