A Message from Governor Evers
On April 1, 2020, our nation will mark its 24th census. In a process mandated by our Constitution and carried out every ten years since 1790, we will count every single living person in the United States, collecting the data that will guide our civic life for the next ten years.
For Wisconsin, this census will produce both a report card on where we’re at and a road map to where we’re going. Census results enable leaders at every level of our government to make better decisions, help bring billions of federal tax dollars back home to Wisconsin each year, and ensure our state receives the representation we deserve in Washington.
That’s why participating in the census is so important. The census isn’t just a headcount—it’s about visibility, voice, and value.
From helping to make sure our kids and aging and older adults can get the help and services they need in their communities, to helping us plan roads, bridges and other infrastructure needs across our state, to ensuring our electoral maps are fair and that every person’s voice and vote are counted just like their neighbor’s, the census informs our daily lives and decisions that contribute to our state’s future success.
Filling out the census questionnaire is quick, free, and easy, and we all have to do our part to make sure our family members, friends, and neighbors are counted so we can keep Wisconsin moving forward, together.

Tony Evers, Governor